2021 Annual Business Survey
As an integral part of our local economy, we thank the business community for participating in the 2021 VBR Annual Business Survey. Your input has been vital in ensuring that community business assistance programs align with your post-COVID needs. The Volusia Business Resources affiliated partners have been busy delivering programs and services that reflect your input and present needs.
What Our Business Community Told Us in 2021
1. Percent of businesses seeking assistance
- 80% of business sought assistance
- 68% found the resources needed
2. Top 3 places businesses go for help:
- Web resource
- Another business
- Business association
3. Present Needs
- Advance B2B and B2P (provider) connections
- Promote businesses and community more
- Attract and train workforce
- Increase tactical business education
- Improve resource awareness and access
- Provide business loans and grants
- Enhance startup assistance
Response to the Business Community’s Needs
- Held hundreds of business association and chamber of commerce gatherings and re-started the Volusia Chamber Alliance Mega Mixer.
- Established the VBR brand and redesigned this website to help business owners and entrepreneurs navigate resources. Organized VBR Week – 10/31-11/4/22.
- Relaunched Startup Grind & 1 Million Cups and offered several entrepreneur training programs including FASTTRAC, LEEAP and Business Modeling Boot Camp.
- Promoted over 30 small business grants and funding opportunities during the year including SBA-backed lending programs, CRA grants, and national grants such as Amber, HelloAlice, Tito’s and Amazon.
- VBR affiliates promoted, funded or held seven mass recruiting events and numerous job fairs. Funded 162 individual & custom training programs.
- More than 200 workshops and webinars held.
- Special state and national advertising campaigns executed in publications including Livability: Greater Daytona & Volusia County and Florida Trend.
2022 Annual Business Survey
Help us ensure that emerging business needs get recognized and business assistance resources have the right focus by completing the 2022 Annual Business Survey.
Your input along with that of other businesses in Volusia County will be analyzed and used to strengthen existing resources and shape new programs in the coming year. Just one year ago, hundreds responded to our survey request and provided valuable input that helped solidify a countywide business resource coalition. If you completed last year’s survey, we thank you and want you to know that your input made a difference.
Please let us hear your voice by completing the brief 2022 Survey using the link below. Survey results will be shared by VBR in early 2023.
Click one of the two links below to take the survey: