Break Out Sessions Include: GROWTH What industries are projected to grow in our region? How will regional growth affect my business? Do I have access to funding or grants that would assist my growth and sustainability efforts? SUSTAINABILITY What are some sustainable practices for managing growth in my business? How can I be more “green” in my business? Creating a sustainability plan ECONOMIC VITALITY How can small business compete in a global market? Are there innovative ways we can promote doing business LOCAL? What are ways I can contribute to the overall economic vitality of our region? RESOURCES City Economic Development Managers – Individual City resources available Volusia County Economic Development / Volusia Business Resources – County resources available LUNCH AND KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mary Tappouni, Breaking Ground Contracting “Invest in Our Planet, Grow Your Business” Q&A Panel Discussion: Regional Population & Housing Growth Duke Energy Cobb Cole Attorneys at Law West Volusia Association of Realtors