The Urban Chamber’s Four Objectives Are: Revitalize Blighted Business DistrictThe Urban Chamber of Commerce will establish comprehensive vision and agenda for revitalization and renewal for the Urban Market Place within under-performing communities. Buy In Through Strategic PartnersThe Urban Chamber of Commerce understands the need of a platform to facilitate resource an information exchange. This platform also solidifies common core values of interest, while drawing investment and stakeholders to the area. Celebrating CultureThe Urban Chamber recognizes the value of all cultures, therefore, it seeks to bring positive Art Forms, to Volusia and Flagler County to enhance and educate young people of their heritage and contributions that they have made to society. Meeting The Tourism Market For over five decades our area have not seen a successful effort of participating in the present tourism market of Volusia and Flagler counties from the Urban Business Perspective. The Urban Chamber seeks to be the first to design and implement a long lasting community of commerce and family life.
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