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Launch Your Venture

March 31 @ 1:30 pm - 7:00 pm
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Finalists have been chosen – come see them pitch!Join us the afternoon of March 31st starting at 1:30pm to watch six finalists pitch live, in-person at the MicaPlex in the Embry-Riddle Research Park. They’ve been through two rounds of judging to make it to the finals, so come cheer them on as they pitch their aviation, aerospace, and engineering-based ventures!   Finalists: Acreage Farms, ERAU                AudiSee, University of Miami                Limitless Aeronautics, ERAU                Lectra Type, University of Tampa                Pet HealthCare Innovations, Florida Atlantic University                Project eFlight, ERAU   Prizes:  $10,000 first place              $ 5,000 second place              $ 3,000 third place              + in-kind prizes   Winners will be announced and big, giant checks handed out at 5pm!HappE Hour following LYV 2023Immediately following the announcement of the winners, we’ll be holding our monthly HappE Hour from 5-7pm. Join us to congratulate all of the final teams, meet entrepreneurial students, members of the local startup support community, and mingle with Research Park companies’ teams.   Affirmative RSVP’s are appreciated for but not required. RSVP here.   erau.edu/launchyourventure

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