Economic Development
The mission for Economic Development is to create conditions for economic growth and improved quality of life by expanding the capacity of life of individuals, businesses, and communities to maximize the use of their talents and skills to support innovation, job creation, and private investment. South Daytona economic development staff works with existing local businesses, the Port Orange South Daytona Chamber of Commerce, Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation and many other local partners for business retention, relocation, and recruitment of quality businesses. The city offers a wide range of incentives for a targeted business in efforts to enhance the business corridors and improve quality of life our residents.
Economic Development opportunities include:
South Daytona is a Small City with Big Economic Development Opportunities. The City’s US1 overlay district and opportunity zone runs from Beville Road to the South City Limits. This special district encompasses one-third of the City’s land areas and is located along the shores of the Halifax River.
Watch this video to learn more about economic development in South Daytona.
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