Using financial statements to manage a business is a good place to start, but Key Performance Indicators(or KPIs)go to the next level. They provide more detailed insights of where your business is succeeding and failing. We will discuss the concept of leading KPIs which can give you an earlier read on the direction of your business than the typical financial statements. This workshop will cover what KPIs are available, how to calculate them, and how to select the right ones for you given your type of business. We will cover multiple KPIs in each of the following categories: Profitability Financial Liquidity Revenue Sale Process Sales Effectiveness Customer Service, Retention, and Satisfaction Our Presenter: Craig Linsky Craig is a SCORE mentor and Chairman of the Client Education Committee at SCORE in Jacksonville. Craig worked in the financial services industry for nearly thirty years. For the past ten years, he has designed and taught marketing and other business topics both domestically through SCORE and internationally through the Financial Services Volunteer Corp This event is FREE